We had a visitor to our bird feeder this afternoon – a northern shrike. This is the first time I’ve seen one here. They are a predatory bird, so it wasn’t surprising that we didn’t see our other little birds around that time.
I posted some pictures of the puffins we saw when we were in Elliston, Newfoundland last year, but thought I would add some more pictures of them. They are beautiful birds. God has created so many different creatures for us to enjoy.
We have a pine warbler that did not migrate to a warmer climate this winter. They usually migrate to southeastern US. So far, it has been managing okay and is eating at our feeders with the chickadees. We had one stay during the winter in 2016. I’m not sure if it made it through the […]
Okay, Pat – this is for you. I haven’t had my camera out much lately, but have taken some photos with my phone, so I thought I would upload them there. I love the scenery we have here in the winter when it snows, and the lake freezes over.
The snow that came today makes everything beautiful. Dangerous for driving, but beautiful for viewing. These are pictures I took this morning on my walk on Green Lake Road.
We had three hooded mergansers on our lake today – two males and one female. The males are the brighter colour, and have white crests on their heads. These can be raised or lowered. They have beautiful markings.
We have five swans on our lake right now, migrating to warmer climates. I enjoyed taking some photos, especially ones that showed the water spraying off of them after they came up from feeding.
This is a variety of some pictures from some of the last few places we went to before leaving Newfoundland. It was a wonderful trip. George Huxter Memorial Park: Glassy Beach: Harry’s Harbour