Category: Birds

Long-tailed Duck

We recently saw a duck we have never seen before on our lake. I was told that this is a female long-tailed duck. It looks very different than the male, which we have not seen. Our neighbour was fortunate enough to see the male. The male has a long tail, but the female does not. […]

Winter Adult Common Loons

Our loons are starting to show their winter plumage.  Their heads and bills turn grey, as well as their back feathers. Their necks are white. This looks very different from their black and white colours in the spring and summer when they have their breeding summer plumage. Their shades are varied as they change to […]

Double-crested Cormorant

Recently we were kayaking in Arrowhead Lake, and saw a double-crested cormorant sunning itself high above us. We have had a couple on our lake, but I haven’t been able to get a photo of them yet. The double-crested cormorant is a large waterbird. It has a small head on a long neck, and a […]

The Common Loon

Over the years I’ve taken many pictures of loons. As I’ve been organizing my pictures, I’ve pulled some out to put here. They are one of my favourite birds. God has made their feathers very interesting, and I love the sound of their calls. The loon’s feet are far back on its body. This makes […]

Surviving the Storm

We saw a lot of birds in our yard today. They have been hanging around our bird feeders, and are in larger flocks than normal.Usually we only see a few juncos at a time, but we have seen quite a large flock today. They have been taking turns at the feeders with the other birds.The […]

Barred Owl

We haven’t seen a barred owl in our area lately, but had the opportunity to see one in Pembroke.They can blend in to the background of the forest very easily, and are usually quiet during the day.This one was close to a fairly quiet road, but it was used to having people walk and drive […]

Rain, Rain, and More Rain

This spring it seems like it has rained more often than other years. Our spring runoff wasn’t too bad, but then the rain started. We had flooding at our place, and all around us, there were people dealing with flooding. It has not been an easy spring for people. Places near the water were hit […]


During migration times, we often see buffleheads on our lake. Often they are here in the spring even before all of the ice is gone from our lake. They  are quite shy when  they are on our lake and it’s very difficult to get close to them. Buffleheads are North Americas’s smallest ducks. They are sea […]