As we were out for our walk today , we saw a couple of trumpeter swans come flying in to land on our lake. These may be the Trumpeter Swans we saw in the spring as they were migrating through.
Category: Birds
Long-tailed Duck
Winter Adult Common Loons
Our loons are starting to show their winter plumage. Their heads and bills turn grey, as well as their back feathers. Their necks are white. This looks very different from their black and white colours in the spring and summer when they have their breeding summer plumage. Their shades are varied as they change to […]
Double-crested Cormorant
The Common Loon
Trumpeter Swans in West Guilford
Surviving the Storm
Barred Owl
Rain, Rain, and More Rain
During migration times, we often see buffleheads on our lake. Often they are here in the spring even before all of the ice is gone from our lake. They are quite shy when they are on our lake and it’s very difficult to get close to them. Buffleheads are North Americas’s smallest ducks. They are sea […]