Category: Birds

Loon Feathers

This fall when we were out in the kayaks, we often saw loon feathers floating in the water. I believe these were from the loons (probably the young) molting before migrating. Some mornings you would see quite a few, so  I started gathering them up. I was unable to take a photo of them from […]

Mother Robin and her Babies

We were visiting my father in Burk’s Falls a couple of weeks ago, and I was able to capture some photos of a robin feeding her young … or maybe it was the father feeding his young. The  robin was quite curious about me taking pictures, but was not very nervous. She is used to […]

Cedar Waxwings

Cedar Waxwings are usually shy. We see them very rarely, and when we do, it is difficult to get good photos of them. They are usually peaking at you from behind leaves, like this one, or they fly away as soon as you look like you’re going their direction. I love their song. If you […]

Baby Loon

Last year, in one of my blogs in September, I said that we don’t see baby loons on our lake. However, this year we have. I’m wondering if we aren’t seeing them when they are very little, but possibly we have seen them when they were bigger, and we didn’t realize they were this year’s […]

Robins and Eggs

I learned some new things about robins this year. Apparently, robins lay one egg per day over a period of 4-5 days. They often let the eggs cool until all of the eggs are laid, and then sit (brood) on the nest. This way, the eggs all hatch around the same time. I did read […]


We have ruby-throated hummingbirds in our area. I’ve been trying to photograph them over the years, and was looking on the internet for suggestions about how to get good pictures of them. They’ve been really busy here in the last week or so, but of course, when I was hoping to see them and take […]

Watching the Birders

I was going to post some scenery pictures from Point Pelee this week, but as I was going through my pictures, I saw some that I had taken of some birders and thought that I would put them up this week, and the scenery next week.Sometimes it got a bit crowded when we were going […]

Pileated Woodpecker

We went to Point Pelee last week with the hopes of seeing the migrating birds. We did see some, which I will post about next week. However, the best sighting we had was here at home. The day before going, we were visited by a pileated woodpecker. It was very accommodating, and let me have […]

Black-capped Chicadees

When you want to practice taking photos of birds, one of the easiest places to do this could be in your own back yard near the bird feeder. Once your seeds are in the feeders, you can set up to catch some photos. Often the birds will fly into the area and sit on nearby […]