Category: Birds


We continue to see the mallards all summer here. They have gotten very habituated and often come up to us when we are sitting at the beach. In all the years we’ve lived by the lake, I have never seen a mallard duck eating a minnow. Usually we see them eating plant material, bugs, seeds, […]

Loon Circle Dance

This looks like it could be a “romantic” moment between the loons, but when I checked about loon behaviour, I found out that these loons are actually rivals, and are doing the circle dance. They slowly circle around each other, checking each other out. I saw them doing this quite a bit. Often one would […]

Loon on a Nest

Recently a pair of loons built a nest in the small bay further down the lake from our place. It was a very special experience for us to see one so close. The problem was that the nest was so close to the shore and cottagers’ docks. We were concerned that it was not a […]

The Loons are Here

We have our two loons back again. This morning they were in the small cove in our lake, and I was able to get some pictures of them. One of the loons “stood up” and flapped its wings, which gave me the opportunity to take several pictures of it doing this. I put together the […]