Our neighbour let us know that there was a northern saw-whet owl in a tree by his house. He had seen the smaller birds acting agitated, so he went out to see what was going on. I would never have seen it in the tree without him pointing it out to me. At first I […]
Category: Birds
Trumpeter swan
Yesterday, I saw a lone trumpeter swan on our lake. It wasn’t until I looked at the pictures on my computer that I realized that this swan was banded. It had large yellow tags on each wing. When I looked this up, I was directed to https://www.trumpeterswansociety.org where I was able to read about the […]
Bob, our neighbourhood raven
We have a neighbourhood raven, whom we have named Bob. He/she started coming around here a couple of weeks ago, and is getting comfortable around people. Apparently, they are one of the smartest birds. Usually, the ones around here are very timid and won’t let you get near them, so this is unusual for us […]
Common mergansers
pine warbler
The Mergansers are Back!
Mourning Doves
Yellow-rumped Warbler (Myrtle)
We have had a new visitor to our feeders. Apparently, it is a yellow-rumped warbler – Myrtle species. We haven’t seen any of these before, so it was interesting to see it here. The Yellow-rumped Warbler is one of the most common warblers in North America, and can winter farther north than any other warbler. […]