
This time of year, we see a lot of fog on the lake and in the area. These are some of the pictures I’ve taken in the last month or so. It’s a peaceful quiet time and we can enjoy it when we are walking around the lake, or taking the kayak out.


We enjoy watching the turtles when we are out in our boat. These ones are painted turtles and are sunning themselves on an old log. Painted turtles like to gather together and sit on logs, basking in the sun. They have a smooth upper shell. Their head and neck has yellow and green stripes. Contrasting […]

Mallard Ducklings

One of the things we enjoy in the summer is watching the ducklings as they grow. The mothers keep a very close eye on them. When they are very little, they bunch up together when they are swimming on the water. This one is from later in the summer, but I like the picture so […]

White-Tailed Red Squirrel

This summer we have seen a few red squirrels in our area that have white tails. We haven’t seen this before. You can see the white tail in this photo. The photo below shows the tail a bit better. The colouring is different because the lighting was quite poor for this one. It is a […]


I’ve been trying to get some photos of hummingbirds. I’m not satisfied yet, but thought I would put these up here for now. They have been very busy for the last while. The male is very bossy, and doesn’t like it when others come near the feeder.

Eastern Cottontail Rabbits

Apparently there are 5 rabbit and hare species in Canada. We have some Eastern Cottontails (bunny rabbits) here in our area. We are seeing more of them all the time compared to several years ago. They aren’t very afraid of us and can often be seen in our yard or in other years as we […]