Buffleheads and Goldeneyes

We have both buffleheads and goldeneyes (ducks) come to our lake during migration times in the spring and in the fall. They seem to travel together. Both are fishing ducks, and we often see them diving and bobbing up again. They are skittish and it is hard to get close enough to take a good […]

River Otters

This is a great time of year to see the river otters. They come up through holes in the ice, and spend time fishing and playing. River otters usually live alone, except for the females when they are raising their young. Otters usually just come together during the mating season around this time. River otters […]

god gives the victory

I haven’t posted on here for quite awhile. Our winter has been very busy. My father was in hospital for 6 weeks before passing away on February 25th. And since then, we have had to deal with COVID-19 affecting our activities. We are still well and are able to go out for walks, but I […]

Vulpes Vulpes – Red Fox

This morning, I had the treat of seeing a beautiful red fox in our back yard. It spent some time looking for food, and gave me a chance to take some photos. It was aware of me standing at the window, but didn’t seem very afraid. Red foxes have excellent eyesight, a keen sense of […]

Northern saw-whet owl

Our neighbour let us know that there was a northern saw-whet owl in a tree by his house. He had seen the smaller birds acting agitated, so he went out to see what was going on. I would never have seen it in the tree without him pointing it out to me. At first I […]