Trumpeter swan

Yesterday, I saw a lone trumpeter swan on our lake. It wasn’t until I looked at the pictures on my computer that I realized that this swan was banded. It had large yellow tags on each wing. When I looked this up, I was directed to where I was able to read about the […]


Loons are still one of my favourite birds to observe. Awhile ago we had more loons than usual on the lake, and I was able to get some pictures of them before they moved on. We have about 3-4 loons on our lake through the summer, but they don’t always spend time around each other. […]

Bob, our neighbourhood raven

We have a neighbourhood raven, whom we have named Bob. He/she started coming around here a couple of weeks ago, and is getting comfortable around people. Apparently, they are one of the smartest birds. Usually, the ones around here are very timid and won’t let you get near them, so this is unusual for us […]

Hello Deer!

When I was out in my kayak last week, I saw this young deer down at the edge of the water. We are seeing a lot more deer this year. It seems that almost every time we go for a drive, we see at least one or two. They are called white-tailed deer because the […]

Common mergansers

When we were kayaking last week, we came across some mergansers who didn’t seem to mind getting their pictures taken. In fact they seemed to want to pose for me. I was able to get some photos before they grew tired of me being around them. Mergansers are also known as sawbills, fish ducks, and […]

a black bear visit

Today we were out on our lake and noticed something swimming in the water. We weren’t sure whether it was a dog or a bear until we got up closer. It was a young bear, and quite nervous about the boats nearby. I used my longer lens so that we wouldn’t be scaring it too […]