Gerbera Daisy

One of our daughters gave me a Gerbera Daisy for Mother’s Day – beautiful flower and I’m really enjoying it. Mine is yellow and looks like a bit like a sunflower. Other names are Barberton Daisy, Transvaal Daisy, and African Daisy. It was originally from Africa. Apparently it is the fifth popular flower in the world, […]


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Yellow Cow-Lily

I’ve always known this flower to be a yellow water-lily, so was interested when I saw that the proper name is Nuphar Lutea, and it is commonly known as a yellow cow-lily. I wonder how it got that name. I also found that it is also called bullhead lily, yellow pond lily, yellow water lily, and spatterdock lily. […]

Bearded Iris Flowers

I think one of my favourite flowers in the spring is an iris, especially the bearded iris. I have several in my garden and am hoping that they will multiply. Apparently they don’t need a lot of maintenance, but do need to be divided every few years so that they will keep blooming. Mine are […]


Poppies are fascinating. I don’t have any in my garden, so I love seeing them grow in other peoples’ gardens. My sister and I went for a walk around Burk’s Falls and enjoyed seeing the poppies in different yards. They are beautiful with their thin papery petals.

Nashville Warbler

I’m so glad we see birds in their migration paths. We went to Point Pelee last year and saw some, but I think it’s even nicer to see the birds here. One thing you don’t have to deal with is the crowds. The challenge is to identify these little birds as they travel through. The […]

Raindrops on Lupines

The lupines are coming up in our back garden … many in places I don’t want them.  But that’s okay.  I found it fascinating to see them after the rain. Most of them had raindrops still on them, and right in the middle of  them. The raindrops almost look like jewels.  Worship Himwho made the heavens, […]

Yellow-rumped Warbler (Myrtle)

We’ve had some interesting birds going through on their migration to the north. This one is a yellow-rumped warbler (Myrtle – eastern). They don’t stay in place for very long as they are catching insects, so it is difficult to get a good clear picture of them. We had a small flock of them in […]

Maple Syrup

It is definitely looking like spring here now. The snow is gone, and the ice is out of the lake. When I was going through my photos, I saw some that I had taken of the sap being collected in buckets up behind our house. I’m not sure how good the season was in this […]