Dark-eyed Junco

We have had quite a few dark-eyed juncos in our backyard lately. They will come to the bird feeder but usually they scratch with their feet on the ground to get their food. They are very busy little birds, living up to the Spanish word “juncus” meaning “rush”. A nickname for the junco is “snowbird”. […]

Eastern Towhee

Yesterday, we had an eastern towhee in the backyard. This is the very first time I’ve ever seen one, so I needed to check to see what kind of bird it was. The eastern towhee is the size of an over-large sparrow. They have black, reddish brown and white feathers. They like to spend time […]

Spring is Here!

The ice is going out, the frogs are singing, and birds are returning. Today we saw our first mergansers, first loon, and of course, some ducks. Spring is definitely here. I’m thankful God made different seasons for us to enjoy.