Pictures from the Trail Camera

These aren’t the sharpest pictures, but they were taken with our trail cameras over the past year. I thought I would put them on my page for a record. It’s amazing how many different animals we have wandering around during the nights and early mornings. The only ones I didn’t upload because they were too blurry were of a mouse and a mink.

We finally figured out why the hummingbird food went down so much every night.
A fox. It visited several times.
A rabbit. It showed up at all times through the nights.
A deer. We haven’t seen too many this year. However, they did eat most of my hostas.
Lots of crows.
Raccoons. They also showed up at all different times through the nights.
This is a fisher. We had a couple of them staying around for awhile.
A brush wolf.

And even our neighbour. Lol

Updated: December 5, 2021 — 1:08 am

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